Power Forward: A New Vision for the Kansas Clean Energy Future
June 18, 2019 @ 8:30AM — 5:00PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Building a Vision and Plan for Kansas' Clean Energy Future

Are you a member of the following groups?
A city council or city manager
A county commission
The Kansas State Legislature
The clean energy industry
A clean energy expert, or
Citizens interested in Kansas' clean energy future
Join us for in-depth day discussing the state's energy future!
We will discuss:
how to prepare for the advances in transportation
diversifying our energy grid with renewable energy
advancing best practices in energy efficient and affordable commercial, public, and residential building, and
creating new jobs through renewable and energy efficiency sectors.
We will finish the day tying it all together through a discussion of how to draft comprehensive & effective energy plans at the community, county, and state levels. The vision of these plans will be to ensure energy affordability, smart infrastructure, and job creation.
You won't want to miss this broad, visionary, and informative dialogue!
Event Schedule:
8:30AM - 9:00AM - Registration & Breakfast
9:00AM - 9:15AM - Welcoming Remarks by CEP & CEBC Directors
Dorothy Barnett, CEP Executive Director
Laura Lombard, CEBC Development Director
9:15 AM -10:15AM - How Public Policy Can Unlock Advanced Energy Efficiency Technology
Jeff Boone, NorthStar Comfort Services, Inc. (Moderator)
Kara Saul Rinaldi, Building Performance Association
Rick Counihan, Google
Greg Ehrendreich, Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance
10:15AM - 10:30AM – Morning Networking Coffee Break
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM - Building for the Future
Jasmin Moore, City of Lawrence & Douglas County (Moderator)
Tim Unruh, NAESCO
Chris Kliewer, GLMW Architects
11:30 AM - 12:30 AM - Upgrade & Build Energy Efficient Residential Housing Through Design Excellence - Policy/Contractors
Kay Johnson, PROSOCO (Moderator)
Jeff Jones, Tru Building
Paul Grahovac, Build Smart
Jennifer Amann, ACEEE
12:30PM - 1:30 PM - Luncheon
Conversation with Dorothy Barnett, CEP Executive Director , Stanley Bergkamp, Maize High School Solar Array Project, & Mark Horst, King Solar
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM - Diversify with Renewable Energy Resources
Michelle Milburn, Stanion (Moderator)
Scott White, Cromwell Solar
Jay Byers, City of Pittsburg, KS
Drew Robinson, Evergy
Luke Hagedorn, Polsinelli
3:00 PM - 3:15 PM -- Afternoon Networking Coffee Break
3:15 PM - 4:15 PM - Tomorrow’s Transportation Needs
Tami Alexander, Metropolitan Energy Center
Cheryl Werth Near, JumpStart
Joe Terick, Black Hills Energy
Michael Tann, Wichita Transit Authority
Wendy Marine, KCP&L Clean Charge Network
4:15 PM - 5:00 PM - Tying It All Together Discussion
Dorothy Barnett, Clean Energy Business Council
Brian Selinger, Iowa State Energy Office
Josh Campbell, Missouri Energy Initiative